megan megan megan megan megan megan megan megan megan

Monday, July 6

RiChMoNd, the holy land

oh richmond, where dost thou start? well, how about i start with fuck my life cause i just left my celly in a forest green volvo that just so happens to be Richmond bound at this very moment while i am here, back in my summer hometown of pulaski.

LEMME REWIND. so, i spent the weekend in Richmond, obviously, along with three other lovely souls, otherwise known as Kristi (birfday girl), Kayla, + the other Megan. we stayed with a la la lovely norwegian fambam with the fancy last name of Ludvigsen. point blank, i had a wonderful time + i cannot wait 2 return 2 see Harry Potter #6 in IMAX. yeah, thats right. had 2 boast an ounce, it's making me feel better about this phone situation. 

well, on my ruvly (lovely) Richmond escapades, 

1. i ate at a vegetarian chinese restaurant. twas' interesting...
2. saw Jenny Lewis + the Heartless Bastards in concert
3. ate mini waffles, obviously
4. "watched" The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
5.  saw fireworks!
6. went shopping, obviously
7. oh, + had a decent time. that too

if only i had my cell phone? yes, that would make me a tad more chipper. in the mean time, i'mma go freak out. however, i suggest whoever is reading this go + listen to anything at all by the flaming lips, cause after my weekend trip, i'm slightly addicted.  holla

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