Tuesday, June 30
Monday, June 29
f'n bust

Sunday, June 28
skeletal lampings
Saturday, June 27
Hooray 4 Everybody Yay
Megan Fox, take 2
Friday, June 26
MJ conspiracy
yeah, obviously u heard. the "King of Pop" has passed. 50 years of controversy has been brought 2 an end....YEAH RIGHT. can u say, conspiracy? lemme slow my roll real quick. u see, this news was dropped on me this evening like a bomb + to be completely honest, i may or may not have overreacted. as i sat in Kristi's kitchen (which was filled with the aroma of her + Timothy's vegan pumpkin cookies, delicious by the way) i was bombarded with this head lining news by these 2 fine folks. sitting there, innocently devouring my cinnamon mini waffles, my entire world collapsed in the blink of an eye. not really, but this bs adds flavor to my story. oh! + then i learn that ed mcmahon + farrah fawcett are dead too? wtf is going on America? Celebs are dropping like flies. Therefore, M Night Shymalan's "The Happening" is clearly happening. i did not believe the vegetarian twosome + i immediately grabbed my celly + hollered at my girl Meghansmeyer all tha way in the AK. the girl did not answer so i left her a frantic voicemail that went something like, "MEGHAN, THIS IS MEGAN, + U R NOT GOING 2 BELIEVE WHO IS DEAD. IT'S NO ONE WE KNOW PERSONALLY, DON'T WORRY. BUT GUESS. OKAY, I'LL JUST TELL YOU. ED MCMAHIN + FARRAH FAWCETT + MICHAEL JACKSON. NOT JOKING. I LOVE YOU, BYE." she calls back in a mere five minutes to tell me, well obvi, no shit. i know this. the embarrassing part of this is that i assumed she had no idea because of the 4 hour time difference between Alaska + Virginia. holy hell, i am a moron. so yeah. i got a load of shit 4 that, but back to the conspiracy theory. Michael Jackson is not dead + i am not the only one who thinks/knows this. Timothy knows too, + he's a smart man, so i would believe him if i were u. while MJ is off enjoying himself in Neverland, rip everyone else. the king of pop is immortal. its obvious. u should all know that.
Wednesday, June 24
an Ode to Hurricane Chris
dub digits!

Monday, June 22
Sunday, June 21
top ten

- Bon Iver - For Emma, Forever Ago
- Fleet Foxes - Fleet Foxes + Sun Giant EP
- TV on the Radio - Dear Science
- Neko Case - Middle Cyclone
- Kings of Leon - Only By the Night
- Andrew Bird - Noble Beast
- M83 - Saturdays = Youth
- Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Its Blitz
Saturday, June 20
Thursday, June 18
psychedelics, dissociatives + deliriants
Wednesday, June 17
Tuesday, June 16
i survived Le 'Roo